Introducing the Optimal Health Assessment
What once was a burgeoning physical therapy practice is now an innovative health care company with a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. We expanded our mission from the original focus on recovery to one of finding balance in all pillars of one’s health: stress, exercise, recovery and nutrition.
Apr 27, 2022 | Todd Wilkowski

The world has changed a lot in the past two decades, and we at Performance Optimal Health are determined to stay ahead of that change. Our forward-thinking approach is evident in our name, methods, and the services that we provide, and it is only natural that we continue staying ahead of the curve, providing our clients with the care they didn’t even realize was a possibility.
As such, I am pleased to announce that Performance now offers an Optimal Health Assessment, a true evaluation of your health, habits and goals through the lens of the four pillars of optimal health: exercise, recovery, nutrition, and stress management.
A highly credentialed member of our team will take account of your health history, review appropriate health metrics and diagnostic tests, discuss your goals and set forth a personalized strategy to help you achieve them. Whether you want to improve your fitness, optimize sports performance, recover from an injury or increase longevity, this assessment will ensure that all your bases are covered, and all your needs met.
The assessment will cover your quality of movement, sleep, nutritional intake, and stress levels, among other things. We will then devise a program through a coordinated delivery of a combination of the four pillars, tailored to meet your goals.
We will also work with the team you currently have — or build one around you. We have close relationships with physicians, coaches, yoga instructors and more, and plenty of experience working in tandem. But through the years, we have also assembled our own team of experts — physical therapists, personal trainers, Pilates instructors, nutritionists, mental performance consultants, massage therapists, recovery specialists and more — to help you on your journey to optimal health.
Whether you already work with us or have never stepped foot in our doors, the Optimal Health Assessment is the perfect way to determine your goals and set yourself up for success with a team around you to keep you accountable.
To schedule your assessment, call us at 203-557-4000 today.

Chief Executive Officer
Performance Optimal Health